Saturday, May 28, 2011

Time to get back in the GAME!!!

Do you feel better now that you have just allowed yourself to get angry? I hope so, because if you hold on to the anger you will become bitter and that is not a place anyone wants to be. So now that you have had good scream, trashed talked him to all your girlfriends and family, maybe even a few strangers, it's time to forget about him and move on!!

It took me almost 2 months to get back in the swing of "dating." Now don't get me wrong, I was really good at going out, talking to guys, flirting (my mother always said if flirting was a sport then I would be the number draft pick), and giving out my number - I don't call guys. But I never let go any further than a quick chat at the bar and a few text messages/phone calls. I just wasn't ready to let myself go, but eventually you have to take that leap. Now if you know me, then this is going to sound crazy - I have a fear of first dates. Weird I know, but I absolutely hate going on that first date. So much so that I try to avoid one on one first dates at all cost. Well, group dates can be a lot of fun, but they can sometimes turn ugly/funny. So here is my first date "group" - we are talking baby steps!

Football season was alive, and lucky for me one of my dearest friends and follow Slassy Ladies, had season tickets to the Panthers (my favorite team). Well, the day of the game my cousin called me up and said he was going to the game with a friend (we will call him "outdoor boy") and wanted to tailgate at the house first. I lived right beside the Panthers stadium at the time, so I said of course. Little did I know that "outdoor boy" would be gorgeous. I remember when he walked in the door I looked at my girl friend and said "well hello!" Tailgating went well and we were hitting it off. So much so, that we decided to continue the night. So of course I invite everyone I know to meet me at the bar after the game (remember I don't like being alone with a guy I like - the more people I invite the more I like the guy). So we had a crew and the drinks were poured and connections were made. When the bar started to close "outdoor boy" didn't want to go home. He decided he was coming home with me - well I wasn't having that. However he followed us to my house and as soon as we got there he ran for the bathroom. 45 minutes later my cousin showed up and took him home. My friend and I couldn't understand why he was in there for so long, until the next time I spoke with him - yes, he called the next day and apologized like any decent guy would do. Well the reason was in the bathroom for so long was because he was sick. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who was nervous, so was he. While having my friends around was good for me, having his boys around probably wasn't the best this for him - they urged him to drink more than he needed. He not only got sick, but then was such a gentleman and so embarrassed that he cleaned my entire bathroom afterwards. "Outdoor boy" didn't want me to know, so he cleaned.

Needless to say, that was not our official first date, but it was the first time I allowed myself to spend time with a guy for more than 15 minutes. Today "outdoor boy" is still a friend of mine. No, we aren't dating, just friends. This is a story I will never forget because it showed me, that we aren't the only ones who are scared - sometimes the guys are just as nervous. You'll be fine going out on that next date - remember he is just as scared as you. So the next time someone asks you out, even if you don't really like him, just say yes and have fun. Remember you have to start somewhere.


  1. Love the story of "Outdoor Boy". It's tough to find a guy that will clean up after himself;just ask my wife. The period of time you are describing is so important. It's during this pre-acceptance phase that self-esteem is not only restored but recognized by self and others. Also, this is the time when fun is the name of the game. If dating someone stops being fun, then the choice is simple, quit dating the person and move on. This is the phase when it's all about you and that's just fine. Have a blast!

  2. Sometimes the guys ARE just as nervous, lady, and that may be why sometimes it's alright for a woman to make the first call. Don't you like how I use your own words against you? Buck the dominate norms, I tell ya! Call a boy if your interested...even if he should make the first call. He may just be nervous.

    Thom Shepard

  3. When it comes to dating and the anxiety of that first date (and all the second-guessing that can come with that anxiety, i.e. Is he really that cute? Do I really like him? Does he really like me?), my girlfriends and I have a motto: "A girl's gotta eat!" So at least let yourself be taken out to dinner and enjoy a meal - and it doesn't have to be fancy. I'm a big fan of Salsarita's (I'm a cheap date). I totally agree - just have fun and what's meant to be will find its way! ~Leasa
