Have you ever met a guy that is perfect for you? You understand each other’s quirks and weird ways. He knows what you want without ever having to tell him. You know when to leave each other alone or when one another needs a companion. When he doesn't call or text within a day you don't worry because you know him and if he knew it bothered you he would call or text. You can fight like cats and dogs and then turn around and act like nothing happened. Everything about this guy is pointing in your favor but one!
This one little problem could differ depending on who it is. Maybe it's your best friend and you have known each other forever. Maybe it's the guy that your girlfriend has always loved. Maybe he's is a colleague and you couldn't imagine what it would do to the office. No matter what you do, there is that one thing that stops you from going forward.
Just the other day I was talking to my mother about this very dilemma. She had just watched the movie "Something Borrowed" and couldn't get over the fact that the girl had just let the guy go and be with her best friend, when all along she was in love with him. My mother looked at me and said "don't ever let anything hold you back from going after what you want - especially if he is available." Now don't misinterpret my mother’s words, if the guy you think is perfect is dating another girl, or better yet married, hands off. But until its official don't wait around for him to get snatched up.
The more I thought about this the more I looked at my relationships with the people who have all the qualities I want out of a partner (there are not that many so it didn't take me long). With each relationship I could only come up with one big reason as to why we shouldn't be together. The funny thing is that the reason had nothing to do with us; it was because of the people or things around us. Now I wonder why I’m letting outside forces control my decisions. Is it because I’m not willing consequences of what would happen if I forgot about the things around me and just focused on me? Is it because I’m scared that if I take it to that level it will change everything? Is it because I’m scared?
I don't have any answers and I don't know what to do - all I know is that my mother made me think. Why do we single girls let everything around us determine what we do and who we are. Why can't we just live and do what we want. Isn't that the most exciting thing about being single - the fact that you don't have to answer to another? But if we aren't going after that one who is perfect because of outside forces are not answering to something or someone? So then what’s the difference in being single and being with someone – no matter we are asking something or someone for permission.
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