Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Big Question

So how are those dates going? I'm sure you all have some pretty interesting stories by now, if not don't worry it will come. Just keep putting yourself out there and eventually someone will ask you out.

Now that leads to a questions I have for all of you. In this post I want to jump to current times. I've shared with you how the Slassy Ladies got over our X's and the steps we took to get "back in the game" but now we are having a debate. The question at hand is "should a girl approach a guy or should she wait for the guy to approach her" Now I know we live in modern times where it’s acceptable for the husband to stay at home and the wife to work. But is it really ok for a girl to ask out a guy? The Slassy House is torn. Some say of course, others say no - girls should be pursued.

So what do you think?


  1. You can't be a superstar sitting on the sidelines. Ask him.

  2. July 22, 1972
    At a party having a conversation with the hottest guy there.

    G: I heard that you went out with (????)
    B: Yes, I did
    G: So, why have you not asked me out?
    B: You mean that you would go out with me?
    G: Sure
    B: Okay, I will pick you up tomorrow night at 7

    April 7, 2011
    Married 38 yrs, 3 children, 3 grandchildren

    I don't know that asking a guy out is comfortable for either one of you. But, I am all for a girl turning the conversation in that direction.
